Thursday, May 8, 2008

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking consists of mental processes of discernment, analysis and evaluation. It includes possible processes of reflecting upon a tangible or intangible item in order to form a solid judgment that reconciles scientific evidence with common sense.-

Critical thinking is something that you have to do before writing papers or more important making major decigions in your life. Mostly people learn how to critical think in school even if they know it or not. I have looked back at my life and even though I haven't used the methods of critical thinking they teach you in school I have used critical thinking in the decigion making in for my future.

I never made a graph or a paper like I did in school but I did look at all the information given to me and looked at what I would like to do with my future, or at least what I thought I wanted to do wtih my future. I looked at what I always thought I would be doing with my life, then I thought about cost and location of the school. Even though all of my plans have changed, the critical thinking I did helped me think of where I wanted to go and put life into more of a perspective than I ever looked at it before.

Even though my plans have changed I looked at schools for what I wanted to go for. I looked at the teachers and how many classes I had to take or how many clases they provided for me to take. Then I looked at how much each of the schools cost een though the cost of the school really shouldn't matter if I would be getting a better education then any of the other schools. Then I looked at where I would be living. I needed to know what kind of town it was in and if it offered anything that I would be interested in or would find enjoyment out of. I would never go to a school that I would have nothing to do or no where to go. Then I had to look at if it was far from home or not.

Now that I am ending my senior year in high school and moving onto college I believe I have many more moments in my life ahead that I have to make decigns and do more critical thinking.

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